Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for a Happy New Year! Welcome back to GTM360 Blog. Our Top 10 blog posts in 2020 were: #10. Dr. Batra’s – A Sanitizer That Will Outlive The Virus #9. All Digital Payments Are Not Equal – Overview Of Payment Rails #8. Cross Selling Is Hard #7. How To Make “Work From Home” … Read more

Three Reasons Why Companies Don’t Behave Like Individuals

Since companies comprise individuals, many people believe that companies and individuals will behave in an identical manner under the same situation. I disagree. There’s a big disconnect in the behavior of individuals versus companies. I can think of at least three reasons for this disconnect: Fiduciary responsibility Market cap Emotion #1. FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY Let me … Read more

Statistical Significance Is Dying – And Data Science Is To Blame

I concluded my blog post entitled Demystifying The Ubiquitous Sample Size Of 2000 on the following note: A survey with a sample size of merely 2000 can deliver statistically significant results for a population of millions provided the sample is representative of the population, which is determined by how homogeneous or heterogeneous the population is. … Read more

Consent Dilemma – Have You Given It Or Not?

The Netflix show Social Dilemma has rekindled the eternal controversy over privacy, tracking, and manipulation by digital companies. As consumers, many of us outrage at brands for using our private information to target us with personalized communications, ads and targeted offers. In this post, I’m going to go out on a limb and argue that … Read more

How RuPay Can Disrupt Visa And MasterCard

In Don’t Go Global Without Cracking The Value Proposition For Foreign Markets, I’d unpacked the dangers of taking your product global before cracking its value proposition for foreign markets. I’d taken the example of UPI in that post. Now, I’ll take RuPay, another product from UPI-owner NPCI. For the uninitiated, RuPay is a homegrown payment card … Read more