Valuation Tax – If Tech Startups Can Disrupt, So Can Taxman

In his op-ed entitled  Tech What One Deserves in The Economic Times dated 17 July 2019, author Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar (@swaminomics) supports the move by governments of various countries to change the basis of corporate tax for tech startups from profits to sales. According to @swaminomics, France has already taken the lead by levying a … Read more

One – And Maybe Only – Way To Revive Payments Banks

Every time I go to this leading public sector bank, I see a long line of people outside the branch. “Outside the branch” is the operative phrase because these people literally stand outside the branch. I found out that they’re migrant laborers who queue up to send money from large cities where they work to their family … Read more

Two New Ways To Overcome The Twitter Identity Crisis

It’s not easy to find someone on Twitter. This includes handles of individual tweeples as well as brands. This creates an identity crisis of sorts on Twitter. In a 2013 blog post entitled The Severe Identity Crisis On Twitter For Digital Marketers, I’d suggested the following tools to overcome the Twitter identity crisis: Twitter Search … Read more

Five Google Backdoors You Probably Didn’t Know

Sometimes you can use Google to find information stored in a certain website or app that you can’t by using the website or app itself. I call these hacks “Google Backdoors”. Here are five Google Backdoors I use regularly. #1. BUSINESS FINDER A new restaurant opened in my neighborhood. Its owner said they delivered via … Read more

Communications – Low Hanging Fruit For Enhancing CX

In Poor Communications: The Seventh Deadly CX Killer, I described the painful experience of activating the new credit cards I recently received from my bank. To recap, I didn’t get a paper PIN mailer as was customary during the previous renewals, and the instructions given by the bank on how to activate the new cards on … Read more

Poor Communications: The Seventh Deadly CX Killer

In Killing The Six Deadly CX Killers, I attributed six key reasons for poor customer experience (CX) and what brands could do to get rid of them, thus enhancing their CX. In this post, I’ll cover the seventh deadly CX killer: Poor communications. I have a Visa credit card issued by a Top 5 private … Read more

Why Have Payments Banks Flopped?

When Payments Banks were launched in 2014-15, they were greeted with a lot of fanfare. They were expected to bring hundreds of millions of unbanked Indians into the folds of organized financial services because their digital-only footprint would make it cost-effective from them to go to the rural hinterlands where traditional banks with branches have not … Read more

CIOReviewIndia Names GTM360 To Its ‘Top 20 Marketing Tech Solutions Providers 2019 from India’ List

We’re happy to inform you that CIOReviewIndia has named GTM360 Marketing Solutions to its exclusive list of ‘Top 20 Marketing Tech Solutions Providers 2019 from India’. Our shortlisting was driven by two of our martech products, namely, EMAIL360 and MICROSITE360. According to CIOReviewIndia, “The selection committee and the CIO Review magazine editorial board find “EMAIL360 … Read more