How Crypto Tokenonomics Is Revolutionizing Web3

In the traditional Onprem software paradigm, a Customer pays the full License Fee of the software upfront and gets the rights to use the software in perpetuity. If he wants maintenance and updates, he additionally pays AMC every year, which is typically 18-22% of the LF. Upgrades are charged separately, as and when they’re released. … Read more

Four Ways To Boost CRO

We saw three hurdles blocking the mainstream adoption of CRO in Three Inhibitors Of CRO. To do a quick recap, they are: Pushback from ad agencies. Since CRO crimps ad spend, it threatens loss of ad agency revenues. Lack of adjective. “Companies need CRO when their websites are frictional, frictionful… or what?“ Pedantic practitioners. With … Read more

Three Inhibitors Of CRO

Digital Marketing comprises two stages: ATTRACT: Attract traffic to your website, app store page, and social media properties (collectively “website”). CONVERT: Get your website visitor / app user (collectively “visitor”) to take some purchase-oriented action. Obviously, you need to get visitors to your website before you can nudge them towards purchase. Therefore,  ATTRACT precedes CONVERT, … Read more

Five Reasons Why Amazon’s Sales Are Down By 33%

According to @sweatystartup, shipment volumes at a certain Amazon Distribution Center (“said DC”) are down from 75,000 to 50,000 packages a shift. Friend works at an Amazon distribution center. Volume down from 75,000 packages a shift to 50,000 or less. Hiring freeze began last week. Managers walking around mid shift offering optional vacation time (basically … Read more

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Necessary But Not Sufficient

On the back of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many companies in USA and EU have shut down their operations in Russia, effectively stopping supplies of their products and services to the invader. The West has kicked out many Russian banks from the global payment messaging network SWIFT, which has made it very difficult for Russia … Read more

Unpacking The B2B2C Business Model

If you sell to a business, you’re B2B. If you sell to a consumer, you’re B2C. That much is clear. According to the popular narrative, if you sell to a business, which sells to a consumer, you’re B2B2C. That’s not correct. The true B2B2C is when Your company sells a product / service to a … Read more

Why Does Spray-And-Pray Marketing Still Work?

Somebody was recently perplexed on LinkedIn about the kind of marketing adopted by a leading used cars portal: Cold Calling was earlier done by telecallers. Now it’s done via pre-recorded messages. Lately, there has been a bombardment of such robocalls from this company. I’m not able to understand the strategy here. Not everyone is selling … Read more

Convenience Needs A Measure. Exhibit A: Text Blaze

I received the following notification from a product I’d recently signed up for: You saved 3 minutes this week by using Text Blaze. Underwhelming, right? I thought so, too. Text Blaze is a nifty Chrome Extension that works like a keyboard shortcut but for autofilling your online content. I was immediately attracted to this San … Read more