Has The Indian IT Industry Missed The FORTUNE 500 Bus?

ROYAL DUTCH SHELL (Netherlands) and MANPOWER (USA) respectively bring up the front and rear of the latest Fortune GLOBAL 500 list published in July 2012. RANK* COMPANY REVENUES (US$ Billion) PROFITS (US$ Billion) 1 ROYAL DUTCH SHELL 484.49 30.91 500 MANPOWER 22.00 0.25 With growth rates of the Indian IT industry cooling down in the … Read more

Your QR Code Works. What Next? – Part 2

Following on from Your QR Code Works. What Next? – Part 1, we illustrate a few more best practices of QR code based CTAs (Call To Actions): INTRASOFT. The ad offers download of the company’s financial results by scanning the accompanying QR code. Since financial results are bulky, we presume that the ad chose to employ … Read more

When Does Marketing End & Sales Start?

The typical sales funnel starts from Target Audience and goes through various stages like Suspect, Lead, Qualified Lead, Opportunity until it ends with the Deal. It’s jointly owned by Marketing (which includes product management, business development, marketing communications) and Sales (which is comprised of presales and field sales functions). Since times immemorial, there has been a … Read more

Don’t Blame Google For Everything

Apart from using its search engine regularly and being a customer of Google AdWords and a couple of its products, I’ve no personal or professional interest in Google. However, as a technology professional, I feel compelled to point out that the recent Economic Times article titled Is It Time to Sign Off is full of inaccuracies, and … Read more

The Business Case For Social Media Customer Service

In a previous blog post titled Customers Of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But The Call Center Hold Music, I’d written about customer service via social media and how it could be a great experience for customers of airlines, banks, insurers, mobile network operators and other service providers. We now look at … Read more

To Pinterest Or Not To Pinterest?

With all the recent buzz around Pinterest, our inboxes have been flooded with several white papers and blog posts on the relevance of the latest social media network for B2B. After a quick glance at its website, we realized that it was easier to simply jump aboard Pinterest than to keep mulling over whether to … Read more

The Tug-of-War Between Different Pricing Models

Marketers are familiar with cost-plus and value-based pricing models, which are the two most commonly used methods for pricing products and services. "What The Traffic Can Bear Pricing". Everyone understands "cost plus" pricing. Many understand "value based" pricing. But very few people (in my circle) understand that some brands can get away with exorbitant prices just because their … Read more

Strange Yet Familiar Results In Google Images Search!

I recently bought the latest Panasonic KX-TSC62SX corded telephone. I found something interesting about this phone that prompted me to use it in a blog post regarding different pricing methods. While I could have always photographed the handset at home, I thought it might be easier to source a picture online. I went to Google … Read more

Fortune GLOBAL 500 And Indian IT Companies

In its 15 Aug 2011 issue, FORTUNE magazine acknowledged that it “erroneously omitted Chrysler Group from the GLOBAL 500 list” published a fortnight earlier. It goes on to regret this error. Sounds more like a blunder to me. Apart from this blemish, this year’s FORTUNE GLOBAL 500 issue is a lot better than the lacklustre one … Read more