Driving Greater Sales Marketing Alignment – Marketing POV

When we published Increasing Sales-Marketing Alignment: Big Bang Doesn’t Work six years ago, there were 4.3 million search results for the keyword “Sales Marketing Alignment”. Today there are 58.3 million. Safe to say that there has been an explosion in online chatter on the topic – it works out to 54% CAGR for the mathematically … Read more

Don’t Go Global Without Cracking The Value Proposition For Foreign Markets

We regularly come across founders of software companies who have achieved a certain degree of success in India and now wish to take their product global. This is a perfectly sensible strategy because overseas markets are extremely lucrative. But many of these “export initiatives” flounder. Because what works here does not work there. UPI is … Read more

TCS Slips And HCL Zips In Indian IT Industry’s FORTUNE GLOBAL 500 Race

Courier services stopped operating during the pandemic-caused lockdown. I have not received the FORTUNE GLOBAL 500 issue. This is the first time I don’t have this issue in my hands since I started tracking this list almost 25 years ago. This post is written based on my review of the magazine’s website. Please excuse its … Read more

How Brands Can Leverage The Eternal Disconnect Between Want & Like

In Want v. Like: Decoding The Eternal Disconnect In Consumer Behavior, we saw a couple of examples of  the eternal disconnect between what consumers say they want and what they actually like. We also speculated on the root cause of this conflict.  In this follow on post, we’ll examine the implications of the want-versus-like disconnect … Read more

Want v. Like: Decoding The Eternal Disconnect In Consumer Behavior

Consumers tell you in surveys and focus group studies what features they want in your product. You build a product with those features. Consumers don’t like them. Your product bombs. In consumer behavior, there’s often a disconnect between what consumers say they want and what they actually like. In Why Do People Obsess Over Security … Read more

Is Scalability A Bogey Created By Hardware Industry?

A friend recently asked me the following question via Twitter: @s_ketharaman Thoughts? I am not so sure since infra is still not scaling. https://t.co/vDi1zHZynB — Gopinath Pandalai (@gopibella) April 28, 2020 I read the linked HBR article on Blockchain technologies and replied as follows: Many mobile payments use cases I never thought could go digital … Read more

Resolving The Tussle Between Different Pricing Methods

Most of us are familiar with Cost-plus and Value-based pricing, which are the two most commonly used methods for pricing products and services. In cost-plus pricing, all input costs are totalled up and a markup is applied on top to arrive at the selling price. More the number of inputs, higher the cost and, ergo, … Read more

Role Of Analytics For B2B Websites

Analytics is indispensable for a B2C website. Website analytics tools like Google Analytics etc. reveal friction hotspots, blindzones, etc. and thereby help website owners redesign forms, modify CTAs, rotate online ads, etc. (The use of multiple etceteras in the previous sentence is intentional – there are indeed many analytics tools available for doing many things … Read more

Beware Of The “Upskill Or Die” Scam

“Cognizant fires 30,000 employees at mid managment levels.” “Infosys lays off 10,000 project managers.” The media has been full of such reports for a while now. The common narrative in these doomsday prophecies is as follows: World is going digital. Employees at middle management of Indian IT Services companies are not geared up for digital … Read more