Why Two Factor Authentication Is A “Conversion Killer” & “Blood Pressure Booster”

Any digital payment goes through a long and tortuous value chain comprising multiple entities. If we take credit card as an example, the entities include Consumer (e.g. You), Merchant (e.g. Amazon, DMART), Issuer (the bank that issues the card and enables the Consumer to make card payments e.g. Citi), Acquirer (the bank that supplies the … Read more

Why Banks Will Never Catch Up With Fintechs On UX

Top 6 US banks posted a trillion dollars in profits in the last 10 years. "Top 6 Banks In USA Earn $1 Trillion In Profits In Last 10 Years" ~ https://t.co/coy2mSvu3C via @maxabelson @business .That's the same period when fintech was supposed to disrupt dinosaur banks. #Disruption #Shisruption #Banking #FinServ pic.twitter.com/kjZfCkqSbC — Ketharaman Swaminathan (@s_ketharaman) … Read more

Better A Digital Colonizer Than Digital Colony Be!

Of late, there’s a lot of concern in the public discourse that India is becoming a digital colony of the West. If this concern is valid, we have ourselves to blame for letting India become a digital colony. What’s worse, we’ve been doing this for ages and never seem to learn from past mistakes. I … Read more

Credit Card Versus Debit Card / UPI / A2A

Credit Card and Debit Card are both “cards”. Both are digital payment methods. Both are issued by banks. Both of them work on card rails owned by Visa, MasterCard, China Union Pay, RuPay and other card networks. Because of these similarities, many people tend to believe that there’s no difference between credit and debit cards. … Read more

Outflanking Incumbent Products With AHA Moments

One of the chief ways in which we help software companies is by introducing “aha” moments in their new products. It’s almost not necessary to define “aha” moments. The term is quite self-explanatory. We see them all around us. A few “aha” moments that come readily to my mind are: Google Assistant: Google Assistant is … Read more

When Upgrades Turn Out To Be Downgrades

In Latest Is Not Greatest, I covered four products whose new versions have omitted key features from their older versions. Microsoft Windows Lenovo Laptop Apple iPhone ATM In this post, I’ll speculate on the causes of the “latest is not greatest” trend and how users can cope with it if their upgrades turn out to … Read more

PINless Card Payments – Innovative Or Harebrained?

I’ve been asked many times to weigh in on the new PINless regime for credit and debit card payments in India. Most recently it was on Quora, where I was asked to answer the following question: Why is it not required to enter a PIN to authenticate a credit or debit card in many countries? … Read more

Are Digital Natives Losing Their Data Chops?

According to the popular narrative, new age companies leverage data in virtually every facet of their business (as against traditional companies that run on intuition). To a large extent, this belief is right. Many digital natives owe their spectacular rise in the last decade or two to their prowess with data and analytics. A big … Read more

One – And Maybe Only – Way To Revive Payments Banks

Every time I go to this leading public sector bank, I see a long line of people outside the branch. “Outside the branch” is the operative phrase because these people literally stand outside the branch. I found out that they’re migrant laborers who queue up to send money from large cities where they work to their family … Read more