Use Marketable Items To Provide Targeted Solutions

At the NASSCOM Leadership Summit currently underway in Mumbai, India, the CIO of a leading American company advises Indian IT companies to “come up with targeted solutions for clients’ problems rather than putting a whole lot of effort into a generic sales approach”. Marketable Items created by GTM360 help IT product and services companies to do exactly that. … Read more

Why Pay For Content When You Can Get It For Free?

As I’d pointed out in this blog post a couple of years ago, just because micropayments support convenient ways to pay for digital content doesn’t necessarily mean that people will pay for it. People will pay for content only if they can’t get it for free easily and when they find enough value in it worth paying … Read more

Is Google AdWords 15X Better Than LinkedIn Ads?

When we’d last executed search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns on Google AdWords and LinkedIn Ads (or LinkedIn DirectAds, as it used to be called at the time), we found that, Google attracted almost 15X greater traffic than LinkedIn. As you can read in our blog post published at the time, their click-through-rates (CTR) were 0.3% … Read more

SaaS Will Change The Outcome Of The Bloatware Versus Light Apps Debate

We recently developed and delivered a mobile app called RAPP360. Short forResidency Audit App 360, RAPP360 makes it very easy for people having multiple residences to respond to tax audits from different jurisdictions by providing a detailed log of their physical location over the previous years. The primary target audience for RAPP360 comprises of Wall Streeters … Read more

Season’s Greetings!

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year 2012 from GTM360 Marketing Solutions. We’re pleased to share details of some of the milestones we achieved during 2011: We delivered end-to-end go to market solutions for a variety of high-tech product and services companies engaged in A/B testing, distance learning, mobile field service, idea management, … Read more

Speed Up Your Outlook Search With These Shortcuts

Here’s a productivity tip for Microsoft Outlook users who would be familiar with its search feature. Quite often, most people are only looking for specific emails they’ve received from someone, sent to someone or containing some keyword on the subject line. Unfortunately, Outlook doesn’t seem to recognize this and, by default, searches for all emails in which … Read more

The Tug-of-War Between Different Pricing Models

Marketers are familiar with cost-plus and value-based pricing models, which are the two most commonly used methods for pricing products and services. "What The Traffic Can Bear Pricing". Everyone understands "cost plus" pricing. Many understand "value based" pricing. But very few people (in my circle) understand that some brands can get away with exorbitant prices just because their … Read more