How Are Regulators Cracking Down on Cybercrime?

In Why Is It Hard To Catch Cybercriminals?, we considered a canonical case of a cybercrime:  Joe pays Jane online for something and does not receive that something he was promised. In the following two years, we’ve been hearing about romance scam, courier scam, pig-butchering scam, investment scam, online job scam, and so forth. All … Read more

The Zero Sum Game Myth: When Bubbles Are Good

1 + (-1) = 0. Traders look at the 1 at the start of the equation and treat trading as a profitable activity. Engineers look at the 0 at the end of the equation and dismiss trading as a zero sum game. John Maynard Keynes won the Nobel Prize in Economics for proposing digging a … Read more

DeepSeek – Engineering Innovation Or Financial Jugglery?

When consumers are asked to pay for some product or service, they think twice about whether to consume it. There’s a cognitive overhead in all decisions but the one involved in micropayments is acute because it’s more mentally taxing to decide whether or not to spend, say, $0.10 to read an article than the $0.10 … Read more

Debunking the “Hidden Cost” Myth: When Free Is Really Free

Whenever they hear that something is free, some find it fashionable to remark that “there’s no free lunch” or “you’re paying in a different way”. In other words, these people insinuate that there’s always a “hidden cost” behind free products and services. On the face of it, their counterpoint seems to be right. After all, … Read more

Why Do Banks Partner With Visa When They Can Create Their Own Credit Card?

(This post is a slightly edited version of my answer to the above Quora question.) Banks have created a plethora of products like checking account, savings account, mortgage, High Frequency Trading, Structured Finance Products, and so on. What’s one more? Therefore, the OP’s question prima facie makes a lot of sense. In fact, back in the … Read more

Two Ways To Boost The Adoption Of UPI Lite

A couple of years ago, ET Prime reported that core banking systems (CBS) at Indian banks were creaking under the load of burgeoning UPI volumes. Being an account to account realtime method of payment (A2A RTP MOP), every UPI transaction pings the CBS of the payor’s  bank. Suppose a payor (aka remitter) spends a total … Read more

Safety Of Money: Bank v. Neobank

Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping is the circular shilling of one another’s financial products and services by a bunch of fintech founders with least regard for truth or consumer interest. I recently came across the following exhibit of Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping on LinkedIn. Why do some of us trust Barclays or Bank of America more … Read more

Google Play Store – Small Brother Shouldn’t Act Like Big Brother!

To: Subject: Big Tech, Don’t Be A Big Brother Dear Editor of Economic Times: This has reference to the op-ed entitled Big Tech, Don’t Be A Big Brother by Dhanendra Kumar, Former Chairman, Competition Commission of India (CCI), in The Economic Times. This article is full of factual and logical inaccuracies. Let me list … Read more