Don’t Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

Many people have reacted vehemently against the government’s move to regulate the creation, distribution and usage of Indian maps under the proposed Geospatial Information Regulation bill. Some have even insinuated that the move is a veiled threat to police Google Maps and amounts to “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”. I don’t know whether … Read more

Enhanced Remittance Data Could Multiply Electronic Fund Transfer Volumes

My property management company in UK wanted me to quote the following reference along with my monthly rent payment: MCS MERIDIAN CLIENT ACCOUNT HOUSE RENT 98 MERIDIAN PLACE JUN 2008 The reference field in the fund transfer screen of my bank’s Online Banking was too short to support this narration. While I could’ve written it easily … Read more

Introducing “Multiply UI” To Reduce Churn Caused By Software’s 95% Problem

In The IT Industry’s 95% Problem, Gartner Research VP Brian Prentice notes that an average user of a software uses only 5% of the product’s features. In other words, 95% of the features in a software create no value for the overall customer audience. While you could quibble about the exact percentages, no one will deny that … Read more

Why Do Software Companies Outsource Product Management?

The typical tech startup’s backstory goes as follows: Founders observe a problem in the real world, find a way to use technology to solve the problem, and build a product around the technology. According to common wisdom, product management is the foundation of any startup. Sales, marketing, HR, finance and other functions can come in … Read more

Don’t Ask Your Customers What They Want When You Design A Product

One perennial question that startups – and even product managers of established companies – ask us while designing a new product is whether they should ask customers what they want. Our standard answer is NO! Only a services company asks customers what they want. When a product company does that, it can prove counterproductive – … Read more

Request To Aggregators: Solve Your Customer’s Problems, Not Yours

Every now and then a startup comes to us with the idea of aggregating fragmented markets, seeking our assistance in product management. The common theme behind most of these marketplaces – across corporate gifting, handicraft, printing and other industries – is to make use of technology to mediate a physical business. All of them will … Read more

Winners Incite Action. Losers Wait For Actionable Insight

As a technology marketer, I constantly preach that technology must solve a business problem for it to enter the mainstream. I also believe that it’s the technology provider’s job to explicitly convey how their product or service alleviates pain areas. In the context of analytics, this would mean that analytics is useful as long as … Read more

Three Ways To Hide Your Secret Sauce

They say every product or service must have a secret sauce. Some startups take the secrecy part of this advice to the extreme by going into stealth mode until they launch. Some others point to today’s open world of startup events, mentoring sessions, Twitter and TED talks and question if it’s even possible to keep … Read more