eBill Vendor Increases Upsells And Improves Win-Rates

Here’s our latest success story:

eBill Vendor Increases Upsells And Improves Win-Rates

“QRcomaniacs” reinforce vendor’s thought leadership positioning

Our customer is a leading provider of eBilling and eStatment solutions to telecom, banking, insurance, utilities and other industries. Apart from the basic details of consumer, amount and deadline, eBills generated by the software carried instructions on how to pay the bill with credit card, debit card, bank transfer, ewallet and UPI. We recommended the addition of QR code to enable 1-tap payment of bills. The standard QR supports ewallet and UPI payments. While BharatQR supports QR-based card payments, it has failed to take off, so the QR code on most bills supports only ewallet and UPI. Read more>>>